
Showing posts from July, 2016

Improving Your Photography

The Devil is in the Detail Passing on the knowledge and experience you've gained can be very helpful. The obvious beneficiary is the receiver, however there is huge potential for the giver to also learn and better understand things. Working and talking with people at earlier stages of the photographic path have enabled me to trace and chart my own journey. It's brought me a clearer view of where I've been, and hopefully how I wish to move ahead. Many times I have recognised myself in what people are doing and thinking as they progress and it's interesting to see if they will come to the same conclusions and realisations that I did or move in a different direction. One thing that recently became apparent to me is the level of detail with which I tend to look at an image. Upon reflection it's something I've automatically done for quite a while. This picture was taken ages ago on a medium format camera using a waste level finder (which will flip the imag