
Showing posts from August, 2016

Photo details #1

A Slippery Slope In my last blog post I talked about how keeping an eye on the details in a photograph can make all the difference between a passable and a great photo. It's something I try to apply to my work both during the shoot and in the post processing. I also find it hard not to pick up on such things when viewing others images. I can totally understand however photographers just starting out having much on their minds and not noticing the little details. Beyond the subject As I said previously, the background is probably one of the areas most overlooked and something I notice quite regularly are "wonky" pictures. Whilst I believe there are no real set rules in photography and that photographing at an angle can work, I also believe that doing so can often be tricky to pull off and needs to appear intentional. Anything else to me just looks sloppy.  I recently saw a selection of wedding pictures that had been posted and was shocked to see a lot of the ou