Photograpic Locations - Dungeness
Dungeness Although I regularly shoot my own personal projects, it's not often that I get the chance to just go out with the camera and shoot whatever I come across. So when I had a free day, and my good friend and photographer Kevin Clow suggested we have a day out photographing, I decided a change would do me good. But where to go? Various destinations were considered before Kevin suggested Dungeness. Now I have seen many photographs of Dungeness, (in fact if you follow English photography, you probably can't not have seen pictures of the place!) but I had never been. So it was settled and off we went. For those wondering, Dungeness is on the South-East coast about mid way between Hastings and Dover. Getting there is quite easy as you just go through Beyond to the Back, and it's about 5 miles further on! It is apparently one of the largest areas of shingle in Europe and is quite impressive in it's... er... nothingness! Standing on the beach facing the s...