
Showing posts from 2017

The Falling Value Of Photographs?

The Falling Value Of Photographs? Are todays photographs taken for granted? It's been a while since I added to this blog. Other things have required my time and attention and the most recent of these has been the distressing failing of health and eventual passing of my mother. The mental and practical fallout resulting from such an event can be quite overwhelming, but as the practicalities are overcome, interesting insights can sometimes start to become apparent. For me, one such revelation directly related to photography. A collection of memories Among my mothers effects were the photographs she had accumulated through her life, a mixture of family, friends, places, and special times that meant something not only to her but in many cases the others involved. Looking through the collection several things struck me. Overall it was interesting to see the way personal photographs seem to have lost something of their perceived value over the years. There appears, in my

Is Facebook good for you and your photography?

Is Facebook messing with your mind? As many people probably know, I'm not a huge fan of Facebook, and whilst this blog is related to that service, it's points can probably be applied to many other social media groups. I spent ages resisting, but finally I decided to join so as to explore the possible benefits it could afford my photography. There is no doubt that there are many and varied rewards to be gained, however there are also some major downsides, that unless understood can have a serious negative effect. After several years of use, I started to recognise some aspects of my using Facebook we're having a disagreeable effect on me. This realisation forced me to re evaluate and change my perception and use of social media. It is a well researched and documented fact that Facebook and other such portals can have a negative effect on people's mental well being. Gaining some objectivity has allowed me to identify how it affects not only me, but some of the o

Aircraft Photography

The Art of Flight. People who know me know that as well as photography I have a passion for aircraft. It therefore goes without saying that whenever possible I love to combine the two. The golden age Over the years I've been lucky enough to capture performances of some beautiful examples of aeronautical engineering, from the wooden Mosquito, through the EE Lightening, to the spectacular SR71. I can fondly remember the air shows at places like Mildonhall, Alconbury, and even Weathersfield, where the smell of jet fuel mixed with the smell of the burgers specially flown in from America. Sadly with shrinking budgets and growing security concerns, many air shows have become distant memories. Along with less displays, I now have less opportunities to travel to them. Continuing Love However my love of flight has not diminished, and as well as enjoying aircraft in their natural environment, I have always had a fascination with the technical side. So some time ag