Photography Critiques

Getting & Giving Photograph Critiques

For what it's worth, some of my thoughts on critiques beyond the usual stuff, along with some real life examples I have experienced.

To The Receiver....

Please remember that especially on FaceBook comments can be made from people with a wide range of experience and expertise. Anyone from seasoned professional to new camera phone user can feel empowered to comment on your work. Before taking anything to heart, try and work out how much value you place on their view. 

Not all critiques are really applicable. I once had a comment of "I don't like this the aspect ratio looks old fashioned"! Such seemingly off the wall remarks are probably best ignored. However if they are made by someone you know and respect, or are agreed and echoed by others then it's probably something you should look at.

Critiques can and often are influenced by personal opinion. Someone once commented on one of my images "I don't get this what's happening is the model being sick?" (bet your all wondering what that image looked like! Lol) it was followed very quickly by a comment of "Wow I love this and the way it allows me to imagine my own story behind it!" One person worked with the image, the other was not willing or able to. Your not going to be able to connect with everyone and need to appreciate when someone is taking a personal, ethical, or moral stance.

To The Giver.....

Please be aware that often comments you make can say far more about you than what they say about the image. An extreme and very cringeworthy example I witnessed was during a club competition with an invited judge. A slide (yes going back a bit now) came up showing the view from the cab of a steam train looking through the round window with the track going off into the distance and another engine. The judge glanced at it before pronouncing it "A nice shot obviously taken from a boat......." All credibility instantly out the (round) window and disappearing up those tracks! Aside from the obvious engaging brain (and eyes) before speaking, it is very easy to be misinterpreted or misunderstood. I love the fact that we all have different opinions, but sometimes it can help to highlight the fact that a personal opinion is just that and may only be applicable to you.
Finally axe grinding and personal grudges are usually quite obvious in comments made and as well as having no place in a constructive critique, they usually end up reflecting badly on the person making them.
Anyway just a few thoughts. Feel free to critique them! Lol 
P.S. for the curious...
Being sick, Hiding, Something else? Up to you to make your own story! :)




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