
Welcome to the AR-Graphics Blog

For over 40 years I have had a passion for photography and have used it to capture not only the world before my eyes, but also to realise images conjured up by my mind's eye. Throughout this time I have constantly striven to learn all I can and develop my skills in an attempt to gain some degree of mastery over the medium. I am also fortunate to have experienced the huge change, and paradigm shifts, that came about as photography moved into the digital age.
This has all lead me to accumulate a wealth of knowledge and personal insights, that I've always been happy to share. I have found that putting forward such information in the form of posts or comments has been helpful in allowing me to rationalise and reinforce my thoughts on a subject, as well as hopefully being of help to others. Until now I have done this via various social media, however I have now decided to formalise it somewhat into this blog which will in turn be shared with various other forums.
I will hopefully be blogging regularly on a wide variety of photographic subjects. I am not exactly "into" the equipment side, looking at such, as just tools to do the job, however I will comment and review on such matters if I feel they may be of interest and allow me to put across a viewpoint. Most posts will probably be of a mix of personal views, techniques, possibly tutorials, and no doubt the occasional rant! lol
To get things underway and start building a library, I will be re-posting some of my previous posts and comments. However I also have a number of new blogs I'm preparing that I hope to get on line soon. I will also be inviting other guest bloggers to contribute from time to time. As always I am keen to hear any feedback, comments, or ideas you might have, so please feel free to get in touch. Hopefully you will find this blog of interest and enjoy following it.


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