Where to cast for models

Looking for a Model?

Some time ago I was involved in a discussion in a group. It revolved primarily around the apparent lack of models and problems getting to work with them, especially on a TFP basis. I personally felt that many of the difficulties were down to the way the approaches to models are made. In particular where and how.
With a number of new personal projects I plan to undertake, I recently decided to seek out some extra new people to work with. Although there were a number I wanted to contact directly, I also decided to put out a general casting in order to get an idea of the interest there may be. I also thought it would be interesting to see where might be the most productive places to do such a casting. Therefore I posted the same casting on 6 Facebook groups (all location specific) and 8 model directory web sites.
Although the original post is now about a month old, I am still receiving new contacts, and so far have well over a dozen people who I'm currently discussing working with. That does not include a number of others who have expressed the desire to work together, but who are unfortunately too far away to be viable. The chart above gives an idea of where the responses came via. Whilst Purpleport appears to overwhelmingly provide the best results, some other sites seem to have members that specialise more, and could well respond better to a more specifically targeted casting.
All in all the results would appear to support my feeling that there are a large number of creative people who wish to work with, and help others produce new images (something I very much look forward to doing). Whilst the above information might give an indication of where best to cast, securing the support of these people is probably also down to a number of factors, some of which I might well touch upon in a later blog.
However we come to work with them, we owe our thanks all the models and other creatives that help us pursue our craft. :)


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